Best Paper Awards at the ASME Turbo Expo

At 2023 ASME Turbo Expo in Boston, a paper resulting from a very fruitful collaboration between CAPS and the Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Group of TU Munich received the Best Paper Award from the Combustion, Fuel, and Emissions Committee!

by Justus Florian Radack

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Turbo Expo Technical Conference has been long recognized as the world's leading conference on all aspects of turbine technology. Each year the Committees have an opportunity to select a paper published at ASME Turbo Expo to receive their Committee's Best Paper Award.

We are very glad to announce that we have received the Best Paper Award from the Combustion, Fuel, and Emissions Committee.
This paper is entitled “Generation of Entropy Waves by Fully Premixed Flames in a Non-Adiabatic Combustor with Hydrogen Enrichment” and it was subsequently published in the external page ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. The authors of this collaboration TUM-ETH are Alexander Eder, Bayu Dharmaputra, Marcel Désor, Camilo F. Silva, Alex M. Garcia, Bruno Schuermans, Nicolas Noiray and Wolfgang Polifke.

In the picture, we see 1) the combustion chamber side wall with special nitrogen-purged optical access, which was designed under the lead of Bayu for enabling tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy with wavelength modulation spectroscopy (TDLAS-WMS) and 2) the experimental Entropy wave Transfer Function (ETF) gain which he measured experimentally compared to the one simulated by Alexander.

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