PRB article selected as Editors' Suggestion

The editors of Physical Review B decided to highlight the article from Tiemo, Julia, Leo and Nicolas entitled "Cloaking obstacles using synchronization" as an Editors’ Suggestion!
Welcome to Francis and Clara!

We are delighted to welcome Francis Pagaud and Clara Piccioli to our group! Francis joins us as a postdoctoral researcher, and Clara as a PhD student. Both will be contributing to the HYROPE project.
Congrats, Bogdan!

We warmly congratulate Bodgan for having successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis!
Hydrogen fuelled jet engines

We have managed to measure the acoustic scattering of H2/air flames anchored on industrial prototype nozzles at conditions replicating high-altitude flight.
Congrats to Matteo and Richard!

We warmly congratulate Matteo and Richard for having successfully defended their Ph.D. theses!