Measuring acoustic transfer matrices of high-pressure hydrogen/air flames for aircraft propulsion
Faure-Beaulieu, Dharmaputra, Schuermans, Wang, Caruso, Zahn and Noiray.
Combustion and Flame vol. 270 (2024), pp. 113776
Destructive thermoacoustic instabilities may potentially slow down significantly the ongoing development of hydrogen combustors for decarbonizing aviation. Their early prediction requires the knowledge of the heat release rate response of individual flames to acoustic perturbations. Obtaining this response at engine conditions is very challenging as it requires the development of sophisticated acoustic actuation and sensing techniques for harsh temperature and pressure environment. [...]
Flame transfer function analysis of hydrogen diffusion swirl flames
Wang, Faure-Beaulieu, Schuermans and Noiray
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40(1-4), 105727 (2024)
This paper investigates the first Flame Transfer Functions (FTFs) of hydrogen diffusion swirl flames, which are crucial for predicting and mitigating thermoacoustic instabilities. Given the need to develop new combustion technologies for hydrogen, it is therefore essential to accurately measure and analyze these FTFs. Employing acoustic and optical methods, we obtained the FTFs over a wide frequency range from 50 to 1000 Hz. Using the acoustic method, the FTFs are deduced from the flame transfer matrices. [...]
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