
Quentin Malé, joined the project in April 2021 as a postdoctoral researcher to develop
numerical activities around plasma-assisted combustion.
Shcherbanev Sergey, joined the project in 2019 as a postdoctoral researcher to develop the plasma-assisted active control of thermoacoustic instabilities and investigate experimentally and kinetically the plasma-assisted combustion in sequential combustors.
Matteo Impagnatiello, joined the project in 2020 as doctoral student to investigate numerically the application of plasma-assisted combustion in the control of thermo-acoustic instabilities in sequential combustors.
Bayu Dharmaputra, joined the project in 2019 as a doctoral student to develop and implement control of thermoacoustic instabilities of sequential combustor with plasma discharges.
Richard Martin, joined the project in 2020 as a doctoral student to design acoustic metamaterials to suppress thermoacoustic instabilities