Dr. Matteo Impagnatiello

Dr.  Matteo Impagnatiello

Dr. Matteo Impagnatiello

Staff of Professorship for Combustion and Acoustics for Power and Propulsion Systems

ETH Zürich

V. & A. in Energie- & Antriebsyst.

ML J 43

Sonneggstrasse 3

8092 Zürich


Matteo obtained his Bachelor's degree at Politecnico di Milano and his Master's degree in mechanical engineering at ETH Zurich with focus on fluid dynamics and combustion.
He joined the CAPS laboratory for his PhD in March 2020.
His project is part of the TORCH project, granted by the European Research Council (ERC) and his activities are focused on active control of thermoacoustic instabilities in sequential gas turbine combustors using plasma-assisted ignition.