Hydrogen fuelled jet engines
We have managed to measure the acoustic scattering of H2/air flames anchored on industrial prototype nozzles at conditions replicating high-altitude flight.
Congrats to Matteo and Richard!
We warmly congratulate Matteo and Richard for having successfully defended their Ph.D. theses!
One-way street for sound waves
We have managed to make sound waves travel only in one direction and published the results in Nature Communications.
Welcome to Zhenwei!
We warmly welcome Zhenwei Xu! He will work on nonlinear acoustic metamaterials.
6 papers published in the 40th volume of the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Bayu, Guoqing, Kihun, Matteo and Quentin presented our papers on combustion dynamics of hydrogen flames and plasma-assisted control of thermoacoustic instabilities at the 40th International Symposium on Combustion in Milan.