Prof. Dr. Nicolas Noiray

Prof. Dr.  Nicolas Noiray

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Noiray

Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
Deputy head of Inst. Energy and Process Engineering

ETH Zürich

Dep. Maschinenbau und Verf.technik

ML J 36

Sonneggstrasse 3

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Nicolas Noiray is Associate Professor at ETH Zürich, where he established the laboratory of Combustion, Acoustics & Flow Physics (CAPS) in 2014. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Ecole Centrale Paris in 2007, and then worked in the Gas Turbine Research Division of Alstom until his appointment at ETH. His theoretical, experimental and computational research activities in the fields of Combustion, Acoustics and Fluid Mechanics address fundamental and applied problems. He has received the Silver Medal and the Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award of the International Combustion Institute, and he was awarded a Consolidator Grant and a Synergy Grant by the European Research Council. A key theme of the research performed by his group is the modeling and control of instabilities at various time and length scales.