Dr. Kihun Moon

Dr.  Kihun Moon

Dr. Kihun Moon

Staff of Professorship for Combustion and Acoustics for Power and Propulsion Systems

ETH Zürich

Dep. Maschinenbau und Verf.technik

ML J 43

Sonneggstrasse 3

8092 Zürich


Kihun completed his MSc (Feb, 2020) and PhD (Aug, 2022) from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) under the supervision of Prof. Kyu Tae Kim. He mainly focused on experimental investigations of combustion dynamics of can-annular configurations, in parallel with low-order acoustic network modeling and 3D FEM-based numerical simulations.

Major research subjects include: (i) can-to-can interaction-induced combustion instabilities under rotationally symmetric and asymmetric conditions to understand system-level dynamics, (ii) detailed characterization of modal dynamics in the hydrogen-fueled can-annular combustion system, (iii) self-excited instabilities in even- and odd-numbered networks of lean-premixed combustors.

Kihun joined the CAPS lab in January 2023. He is currently investigating the forced response of hydrogen flame ensembles in association with energy system decarbonization.