Khushboo Pandey

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Khushboo completed her MSc (Engg.) and PhD (May 2020) from Interdisciplinary Center for Energy Research (ICER), Indian Institute of Science, under the guidance of Prof. Saptarshi Basu. Her doctoral research work was primarily focused on the experimental investigation of combustion dynamics of nanoparticle laden fuel droplets using time-resolved optical diagnostic techniques (High-speed PIV, High-speed shadowgraphy, Chemiluminescence Imaging). She has worked on the instabilities pertaining to the nanofuel droplet shape and flame coupling, acoustic-droplet flame interactions, flame self-tuning in a free-falling burning droplet. She has also worked on a wide variety of multi-phase problems; boiling characteristics of nanofuel droplets under acoustic levitation, cooperative evaporation of droplet arrays, droplet impact on novel substrates, and nanoparticle laden droplet impingement on heated substrates. Additionally, as a part of COVID 19 precautionary studies, she has been involved in the experimental studies pertaining to aerosol generation during routine eye related medical procedures.

Khushboo joined the CAPS lab in October 2020. She is currently investigating the combustion characteristics of liquid fuel spray injected in a turbulent vitiated stream using techniques, such as chemiluminescence imaging, laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) and Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA).